The EV charging stations cost is a fee that may vary depending on the location of the place where you want to charge your electric car. The type of vehicle will also play an important role.
An EV charging stations cost can also vary according to applications that offer different prices for different vehicles. There are also many options that give customers subscription plans to save money.
More and more car brands are betting on the electrification of their vehicles, so the EV charging stations cost is an aspect that should always be taken into account when approaching one of these places.
One issue that generates a lot of uncertainty among drivers is the price, autonomy and battery life of electric cars. This is something that holds many users back from taking the big step towards a greener mobility and leaving less carbon footprint on the environment.
If you make the decision to leave fossil fuel emissions behind and switch to an electric car, the most common question that may arise is the cost of charging station.
The price of electric charging station can vary greatly and there are many considerations to keep in mind. There are also many charging options available today for different types of cars and the amount of energy they can hold in their batteries.
An average electric car battery would need at least about €2 to go 100 km. This is a standard measure of the price that can be found in the vast majority of places to recharge batteries.
However, it should be noted that the type of battery, kilowatt capacity and variations in the price of electricity can be factors that modify the final cost of charging electricity.
A charging station cost is one of the biggest uncertainties that new drivers of electric cars have, but after immersing themselves a little more in the eco-friendly world, they realize that it turns out to be a greater saving compared to fossil fuels.
How much money can you save with an electric car?
Recent reports and studies have also emphasized how electric cars can also benefit their owners’ wallets. They stand out not only because they are more environmentally friendly than cars with internal combustion engines, but also because they reduce daily costs for drivers.
It has been determined that the price of charging EVs in the 50 largest U.S. cities, compared to a gasoline-powered car, would save owners an average of almost $800 per year. But this difference will also depend on where, when and how they charge their cars.
On average, the potential savings are not equal across the United States. In Houston, Texas, the annual savings using the standard electric rate equals $443; in Denver, $772; and in New York, $1,061. This is due to geographic variations in fuel prices.
At the country level, however, electricity costs are much less volatile than gasoline: in 15 years, the price of electricity has fluctuated from $0.88 to $1.17 per gallon over 15 years, while gasoline has varied in price from $2.00 to $4.50 per gallon over the same period.
The comparison between cities was based on the standard electricity rate of their suppliers, but it should be noted that, in the case of customers who refuel at home, they can choose from a variety of rate plans from their electricity companies.
In terms of maintenance costs, Electric vehicles win again. Battery-powered cars do not need regular oil changes, new gas filters, new spark plugs or other temporary replacement accessories. These are comparatively maintenance-free. Brake pads last longer, too, because they are equipped with regenerative braking systems that reduce friction.
In addition to all these benefits that electric cars bring to the owner’s pocket, they can also count on EV charging subscription, provided by the same companies that provide these charging locations or also applications such as ours that offer payment plans with discounts throughout the year, so that the customer always prefers the least polluting mobility.