Picture this: It’s late in the evening. You’ve spent all afternoon working on a case for a particular client.
You know they’re bad news. You know they’re going to perjure themselves on the stand. Yet, the leadership at the firm won’t let you drop the client.
You wonder why you’re putting up with this. Then, you realize that you simply don’t need to. The case hasn’t gone to litigation yet. The firm can find someone else to replace you. It’s time to move out and start a solo practice.
Not sure how to go about starting a law firm? Our guide will show you how.
Remember That You’re a Lawyer and an Entrepreneur Now
The biggest thing to keep in mind now that you’re starting a law firm is that you are both a lawyer and a proprietary entrepreneur. You are responsible for handling overhead costs, utilities, marketing, and website building.
Plumb Your Network of Contacts
When you’re discovering how to start a solo practice law firm, you need to remember that you’re not alone. You may have contacts that run their own solo practices that you can call for advice. If nothing else, your network of contacts can help you get your name out there and establish trust with potential clients.
Budget for and Obtain the Right Supplies
Once you’ve decided to set out on your own, you need to stock up on supplies. What do you need to start a law firm and run it effectively? Well, a quality computer, good internet routers, shelves for paper files, a good desk, and an ergonomic desk chair, to name a few things.
If you need exhibit tabs, file folders, and other law office supplies, consider visiting Legal Supply for your needs.
Pick the Right Name and Location
When starting a law firm, remember the rules of business real estate. Your name and location can make or break you. Not only are there strict laws governing the name you can give your law firm, but the location communicates more about your business than you think.
If you work in, say, immigration law, then position your office in an extremely gentrified area of town, it could send the wrong message. This also applies if you work in, say, finance law, and your office rests in a less affluent part of town.
Protect Yourself
One last thing to check off of your starting a law firm checklist is to protect yourself. Invest in legal malpractice insurance, as well as commercial property insurance for your place of business.
Starting a Law Firm? Let’s Review the Steps
If you’re starting a law firm, you need to remember that you own the business and handle things in the courtroom. So, you need to have the right office supplies, a solid network of contacts, and the right location. If you have these, as well as some protection for your assets, you can find success.
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